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第42章 第五首《不腻的糖》

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    第三首 friend s r

    i don’t want us to fall in love,

    i would rather stay in touch

    school years without you,

    will only bury me with ennui

    but if there ever is a deadline,

    a deadline that will set us apart,

    i would choose to love you for a day,

    think of you for a month,

    remember you for a year……

    we’re not meant for each other,

    as in intimacy,

    but we’re meant to smile,

    to enjoy the world,

    and to embrace our individualities

    with zests of a neophyte’s heart,

    how similar we are in those aspects

    oh friend,

    how fortunate i am to have you,

    deep down the quagmire of dark circumstances

    even when we only cling on to the last words of farewell,

    bereft of everything but ignorance



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